It was sooooo strange. I was up all night itching and trying not to pull my hair out.
When morning came I couldn't bare it any longer so our secretary Rosangela took me to the Doctor. The doctor took a look at my hands and asked me what I ate the day before. (A Turkey Sandwich from Subway). He told me that I was having an allergic reaction to the Turkey. But that confused me even more because I eat turkey all the time...
Well...things are a little backwards here in Venezuela!!! When the doctor says that I am having an "allergic reaction" to turkey, what he really means is..."There was some funky bacteria in your turkey that is infecting your blood and it is causing you to itch like crazy!"
Soooo...he took me into the lab & sat me on a stool so the nurse could give me a shot of "God knows what" to fight the infection. I have had many shots before but this one was different. It was like fire going into my veins and I could feel it rushing to my head, then all of a sudden...LIGHTS OUT!!!!
When I woke up I was laying on the floor of this Venezuelan hospital with 8 people standing over me. They were all talking franticly in Spanish and I had NO IDEA WHERE I WAS!!! I seriously thought I was dying. I couldn't remember who I was, where I was, or what was happening. I was trying to get up, but they kept restraining me and sticking an oxygen mask on my face.
It wasn't until I looked over and saw my secretary that I finally figured out what was happening. They picked me up off the floor, sat me on the examination table, finished the shot, and sent me on my way.
All the while I am thinking to myself....WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? ask...did it work? Yes, by God it did! The itching has subsided and I am back to normal.
And if I seem a lot skinnier the next time you see'll know that it's because I'm to scared to eat ANYTHING in this friggin' country!!!
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