Monday, July 7, 2008

Here's my address...

Alison Hilton
Escuela Anaco

c/o Jet Cargo International
PO Box 020010, M-42

Miami, Florida 33102-0010

I'm sure I'll be asking for care packages of all the little things I can't get in South America...Big Turk, Hickory Sticks, Sweedish Fish...
you know the IMPORTANT stuff!!!

Here's a view of my back yard....crazy eh!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Thanks for a fun afternoon. I'm glad we got to visit with you before the big adventure. I'm uploading the wonderful pics you took to Costco right now. I'll let you know when I get my blog up and running. Best of luck and post often!!!

About Me

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Anaco, Venezuela