There are several things I have been dreaming about for weeks now. Here is a list of things I miss most about home, and stay awake at night dreaming about!!!
- AMERICAN FOOD - Venezuelan food is DISGUSTING!!!
- American TV - I miss all the current TV shows...Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Houswives, etc. etc. (and I'm excited to go to the movie theatre and watch movies in ENGLISH!!!)
- Grocery Checkers that friggin' SMILE - The general public here in Venezuela isn't too friendly...especially the grocery checkers.
- Restaurants that actually have the things that are on their menus - Here in Venezuela you need to prepare yourself to find 4 or 5 things that you'd like on the menu, because they RARELY have anything that is on their menu. (and they look at you like you're rude for expecting them to have it!)
- Scarves, hats, mittens...anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE my winter accessories.
- A Bath - I'm dying to take a bath!!!!! (and hot water would be nice too)
- NO BUGS!!! - Getting eaten alive by bugs is a daily occurrence here in Venezuela.
- Being able to walk down the street without always looking over my shoulder.
- Not having to always cary my money in my bra. - I wonder if they'd look at me strange if I walk up the the counter at the GAP and pulled my money out of my bra?
- Being able to understand what the heck people are saying!!!!!!!
- FRIGGIN' INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Driving - Can you believe I've gone more than 4 months without stepping behind the wheel?
- Being able to get into a car without thinking, "OH LORD PLEASE LET ME LIVE THROUGH THIS!!!"
- BUDDY!!!!! I don't care if Mom spent 4 months ridding him of all his bad habbits...He's sleepin' under the covers with ME!!!!!