Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is Azabache. She is our campus dog.  She had 5 adorable puppies.  It has been so much fun playing with them and watching them grow.  Although they are no substitute for Buddy, I do love to snuggle with them!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

There is so much cool wildlife on campus...It's hard to chase them down for a photo, but here's what I've been able to capture so far!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Plumeria is my favorite flower and there are plumeria trees all over campus. Here are a few pictures I took of them!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Call Me!!!

If you want to call me my new number is

(509) 228-3418

I am home most evenings after 7pm EST

I Have Arrived!

Well...I finally made it to Venezuela. 
I have been here for 2 days and I am already starting to settle in. 
I have a cute little 2 bedroom/2 bath house.
It is nothing fancy, but it is definitely quaint. I'm sure with a little paint & decorating things it will look great!  


I have a cute little classroom.
(actually it's quite big!)


About Me

My photo
Anaco, Venezuela